With the “From Light to Ink” gallery only two weeks away, I wanted to take a moment to highlight a few submissions that really caught my eye. For me, successful images evoke a feeling that the viewer connects with, sometimes through a dramatic scene, vibrant colors, or even the subtlest of details. The images below stood out to me as representations of that viewer connection, and excellent reflections of the campaign theme “Embrace”. These images exhibit qualities that would really come alive when printed on a Canon imagePROGRAF large format printer, allowing the viewer to fully experience the different elements of each preserved moment in time. 

Brendan Holmes, Currach Ashore

One thing I really like about this image is the link between the theme “Embrace” and the fact that the boat is tied up on dry land with nowhere to float away. To me this photo is a great representation of embracing the ephemeral quality of manmade objects in the face of the power of nature. The beauty of a large format print is in the details, and the details in the deterioration of the boat, the peeling paint and tattered rope, show so much character.


Della Huff, Palouse Sunrise

To me, there is a special magic in photographing sunrises, more so than sunsets. I really enjoy the tranquility of heading out into nature and experiencing the dawn before the masses have awakened, and this image perfectly captures that sense of embracing the start of the day. The detail in the crops and the wide spectrum of color in this image really lends itself to large format printing.


Michelle Nicoloff, Sounds of the Pacific

There’s a mood and a spirit expressed in this image that really draws me in and perfectly embodies the campaign theme of “Embrace”. Through the motion of the crashing wave and the swimmer’s hand splashing the sunlit water, to the birds heading off into the sunset, the image elicits a powerful connection with the viewer. I really feel like I am a part of this peaceful and serene scene. I think the great composition and details in the image, coupled with the fine gradations in tone will really be impressive printed large-scale.


Thank you again to everyone who submitted. It was a pleasure catching a glimpse into the way each individual uses photography to embrace the world around them. Stay tuned, we will be announcing the winners soon!

AuthorKaren Grubb

When it comes to photography equipment, I’m a Canon girl. It’s what I’ve shot with for as long as I can remember. So it goes without saying that I was delighted when Canon invited me to partner with them on their 2015 “From Light to Ink” campaign. I’m currently working alongside Rafael “RC” Concepcion, Jacob Santiago, and John Stanmeyer to highlight the capabilities of Canon’s imagePROGRAF high-quality large format printers.

One thing I love about large format prints is the ability of an image to connect with the viewer on a much more significant level. It’s one thing to view beautiful imagery on a smartphone or computer monitor, but a high-quality enlarged image has the ability to transport the viewer into the scene and give life to an otherwise 2D image. What appeals to me about Canon’s imagePROGRAF large format printers is that they give the photographer the flexibility and control over how their images are presented with the ability to choose different substrates, finishes and color tweaks that accentuate each image, infusing them with life. For all Canon users, the “From Light to Ink” campaign will offer a chance to have your own vision come to life on an imagePROGRAF printer.

Over the next two weeks, we will be offering an opportunity for Canon camera users to submit their images for a chance to have them printed and displayed at a gallery event in New York City. All photo submissions should be centered around the theme of “Embrace”. We want to see images illustrating how you use photography to embrace the world around you. The beautiful, the startling, the curious; whatever it is that moves you. At the end of the two week period, the other photographers and I will be selecting our favorite submissions to be printed and hung  at the Joshua Liner Gallery. The gallery will be held on June 12th and 13th, and will be open to the public from 11am-6pm on the 13th. Travel and hotel accommodations for the winners and guest will be provided in the heart of New York City.  

Below are the submission guidelines for this exciting opportunity:

  • Photo must be original and shot with a Canon camera. Photo captions should include settings used to capture the photo

  • Submitter must disclose which Canon camera and lens were used

  • Photo must meet the criteria for the campaign theme and be scalable to print 3 ft. x 2 ft.

  • Only one (1) entry per user will be considered. Multiple submissions per user are permitted, however only one image from each user will be considered as a finalist.

  • Hashtag #FromLightToInk must be incorporated in the photo caption

  • Submitter must be 18 years of age or older and a U.S.-based resident

  • Deadline for submissions is May 20, 2015.

As a photographer, there’s something very satisfying about seeing your images come to life in a large format print. I am really looking forward to this gallery event and to seeing how others use photography to embrace the world around them.

For more information on Canon imagePROGRAF printers and the “From Light to Ink” campaign, visit http://bit.ly/1K4pS6g.

AuthorKaren Grubb